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Image consist of coffee cherries sitting on a table and basket.  The cherries range from orange to bright red.

Sumatra - Aceh Gayo Highlands

The Gayo Wet-Hulled is from 165 Farmers in the town of Takengon. The Gayonese are indigenous to Takengon and are called “Urang Gayo.” The region around Takengon is well known for its coffee, and much of the economy depends on the coffee villages, who have to ship their coffee off to the big mills at a port city 15 hours away.

Origin:  Indonesia
Region:  Central Aceh
Zone:  Gayo Highlands
Variety: Ateng 88
Altitude:  1500-1800 MASL
Proc. Method:  Wet hulled
Tasting Notes:  Full-Bodied, Dark Chocolate, Basil & Pepper

Roast Level:  Med/Dark

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