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Bag of Colombian coffee with backdrop of pallets of Colombian coffee

Colombia - El Tambo, Cauca

Our Colombian coffee is sourced from AMACA (Asociación de Mujeres Productoras Agropecuarias del Cauca), a group of women producers in El Tambo, Cauca, Colombia. Formed in 1999, AMACA is 140 smallholder members strong, all women farm owners and heads of household, and their coffees are fantastic. All the members derive their livelihoods and their families' livelihoods from the cultivation and production of coffee. A premium is paid to AMACA above the value of the coffee itself to support their goals and aspirations as a group. Their mantra is simple: to improve their members' and their families' quality of life. One of their most pressing needs is a warehouse space to properly receive, cup, manage, and store their coffees. We believe these premiums can help them to accomplish these goals and in turn, support this passionate and strong-willed group of women in their love for and livelihood of quality coffee.

Origin: Colombia
Region: El Tambo, Cauca
Farm: Various smallholder farms
Variety: Castillo, Colombia
Altitude: 1715-1750 MASL
Proc. Method: Washed

Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes: Sweet acidity, toffee, and citrus fruit

Bag of Colombian Coffee
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