Congo - Umoja Batwa
Our Congo Umoja Batwa is our first offering from Might Peace Coffee. Mighty Peace Coffee is an organization born out of the Congolese peace movement by an international team of business leaders, coffee experts and innovators, community organizers and human rights defenders. Your purchase of Mighty Peace Coffee directly stimulates economic activity, raising the living standards of hardworking farmers, while ending the cycle of poverty, conflict, and injustice.
Umoja grows in South Kivu and is a product of the hard work of over 11,600 members. Certified Fairtrade and Organic cooperatives like the ones we work with have helped provide stability in the coffee sector in a region that is often fraught with coffee smuggling. For many of the members, coffee is a key source of income and helps promote rights for marginalized groups.
Origin: Congo
Region: South Kiva, Kalehe
Farm: Various smallholder farms
Variety: SL34
Altitude: 1480-1800 masl
Proc. Method: Washed
Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes: Balanced with notes of chocolate, brown sugar, plum
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